Following all inspections and audits, a visit report is produced and signed off by the auditor.
The customer will be informed about the findings as well as having full access to their files.
The setup of the report changes in line with the required standards, as well as for the purpose of the inspection that was carried out but a report will always include a brief summary, to give an overview of key points, such as why it was concluded that a client was or wasn't in compliance with a certain requirement.
This is so you have a clear view on what actions are needed to comply with that specific requirement
It is important to Control Union to make our customers jobs as easy as possible.
CONNECTED is an open platform, designed by Control Union, allowing companies to trace a product’s journey back, from finished garment to the source of the raw materials. It also allows users to acquire a range of important data, from flows of materials to compliance information.
We all know how complex textile supply chains are and how difficult it is to have their full and continuous visibility. It is a clear sign of commitment, by the industry at large, to transparency and responsible sourcing. CONNECTED makes this possible.
Franco Costantini - Senior Manager Supply Chain Services