ROC - Regenerative Organic Certified™

Regenerative Organic Certified™ (ROC) is a new certification for food, textiles and personal care ingredients. ROC™ farms and products meet high standards in the world for soil health, animal welfare and farmworker fairness.

Regenerative Organic Certified ™ is a new, holistic standard raising the bar for how food is produced. ROC uses the USDA NOP Organic standard as a baseline. From there, it adds important criteria and benchmarks that incorporate the major pillars of regenerative organic agriculture into one certification. The goal of ROC is to promote holistic agriculture practices in an all-encompassing certification that:

  • increases soil organic matter over time and sequesters carbon below and above ground, which could be a tool to mitigate climate change;
  • improves animal welfare;
  • provides economic stability and fairness for farmers, ranchers and workers.

ROC has bronze, silver and gold levels and consists of three pillars:

  1. soil health & land management;
  2. animal welfare;
  3. farmer & worker fairness.

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