Organic Pet Food

For some decades the production and the processing of organic agricultural products have been standardised by national and international regulations. The use of the term ‘organic’ and its related logos are strictly controlled by the scheme owners through accredited certification bodies. Control Union Certifications (CUC) are accredited for the major organic standards, making it possible for its clients to access organic markets around the world.
What the standard looks like
The main principle of organic agriculture is the production of healthy food from balanced and fertile soil. The production area has to go through a conversion period before the harvest or sowing of products, which can be labelled as organic. The farm has to be managed according to the organic regulations for at least 2 or 3 years (depending on the type of product and on the regulation). During production and processing, the organic and non-organic products must be separated and contamination with prohibited substances (mainly synthetics) must be prevented.

The production and processing of organic products needs to be inspected by an accredited and independent third party, according to the inspection system laid down in the regulations. Should all requirements be fulfilled, the certificate can be issued and the applicable logo can be used on the certified products.

How you benefit
As a leading international inspection and certification body, Control Union Certifications (CUC) is accredited by:
  • Dutch Council for Accreditation (RVA – national accreditation body in the Netherlands) for the inspection and certification of CU Organic programme, according to the EU regulations 834/2007, 889/2008 (based on EN 45011)
  • Further to the accreditation by RVA, the EU Commission and Switserland have listed CUC as an equivalent certification body in several countries outside the European Union (EU)
  • Import to the EU can only be done with an import certificate of inspection, issued by an EU listed certification body
  • United States Department of Agriculture for the inspection and certification of CU Organic programme, according to the National Organic Program (USDA NOP)
  • Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) for the inspection and certification of CU Organic programme, according to the Japanese organic regulations (JAS organic)
  • National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) for India
  • Organic Korea (MAFRA)
Control Union certifies companies all over the world and offers a wide range of certification programmes, some of which can be linked to organic certifications. Our global network of offices allows us to make certification more efficient and cost effective, whilst upholding the same stringent professional auditing and certification procedures.
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